- Few Foreword
- Imbalance spell configuration
- Security advice
- Migrate to Postgres 17
- Server Watcher
- Index viewer
Few Foreword
Two years ago, after danil906 give us great contribution by release 7.0 server files, I was pulled to help a friend to create his own server. Create 7.0 server is mostly a thing you only do it for fun, unless you can make something exquisite. And he really make some feature other server don't have. What do you think about connect game chat to Telegram ? When I say connect, I not mean just forward some World chat message, I mean you can use your phone with Telegram to reply to a chat where your guild mate send from game. I don't even think it possible, but I tested it in action.
Well, I don't mean advertising. What I want to do here, upload some of our work which somewhat useful to community where not interfere with his server. I mean, we pull something from community, now we want to put something back, that's all.
The man is preparing to start his server in internet, and I am really busy this moment, meaning not much answer or detail can be given, but as I tested before upload, those resource work fine. Most of his tool is write for Windows, Linux and Mac is not interested.
Imbalance spell configuration
For testing phase, we change configuration of plenty spell, make it so broken. But surely it can be use as example for who don't known much but still want to modify gameplay to fit his style, or creating imbalance server play. The changes are not very listed, I don't remember well which has been modified, I will list some notable change:
- Engineer:
+ Increase maximum device Engineer can summon. Modify ruby cause damage when summon device, make it huge area.
+ Increase firing rate of cannon.
+ Titan now inflict stun on attack. Thinking about stun to dead.
- Necromancer:
+ Putrefy now have 50 stack limit, 40 seconds duration, and damage every half an second.
+ Volatile Infection now infect with Neurotoxin every half an second in radius of 10. Necromancer may die, but her plague may not.
- Healer:
+ Cleansing Flame can stack, and Eternal Flame ability make it self stack even more.
+ Chain Lightning now junp 40 times at great range. I don't remember it can jump on target twice or not
+ Heavenly Smite in Support Aspect can pull enemies into single location.
- Warrior
+ Vicious Spin pull enemies, and debuf bleed stack.
+ Die Hard have 99% damage reduction at 60s. I only modify level 2, so allocate 2 ruby on it.
- Experimental Portable Cannon: This trinket modified to be use at great grange, heavy damage, but it shell move real slow.
I will come back to modify the list, there are some I don't remember to put it here.
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Security advice
I know many of us make small server to just play with friend or family. So here is some advice to improve security.
When we test, the problem hit that after login, non-admin player cannot see server list, or freeze after select server list. It's because Shard use dynamic port. The port has some range and you won't know which port will be choosen. So instead allow some port on exclusive, Thoy make copy of java.exe (\ServerStarting\vendors\Java\jdk\bin\java.exe) to 2 file: java_block.exe, and java_allow.exe. Then block all outside request to java_block.exe, and allow all request to java_allow.exe. Shard and Account server start with java_allow, the rest run with java_block. Simply and effective.
On testing time, we don't have public IP nor modify modem to change to internet, that's dangerous. Instead, Thoy use Radmin VPN (
). This little toy make a virtual LAN like Hamachi, allow we play without public IP. It also have easy configuration for firewall with that java_allow with few click.
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Migrate to Postgres 17
Note: this is developer resource. Don't toy it with your running server or you may lost that database.
This file allow AO Server work with higher Postgres. Newest Postgres 17 is included. Simply put it in jars folder, overwrite old file.
Upgrade to high postgres meaning more support and effiency. It allow better tool to work with database. But for small group of player make server for their own, this not worth. Also, when upgrade to high Postgres, the connect security changed from MD5 to SHA256. Meaning if improperly configured, it really create a mess if player want to migrate database, better create new instead.
I also recommend use DBeaver (
) instead of PgAdmin 4 or Navicat or other tool to work with database.
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Server Watcher
Thoy extracted this toy from his running server process management. Meaning I not 100% sure it running great but as far as I tested, it's ok.
While striped away many admin feature, there is plenty handy thing left:
- It start server with 1 click. Select server process on the list, right click and select Start.
- Hidden process, and let it work in the background. No overflow taskbar.
- Quick open directory. Base folder, jars folder, data folder.
- The most handy feature is it open .xdb file with Notepad++. Meaning you can copy the file path, like /Mechanics/Spells/TrinketSpells/Nuke28/Spell01.xdb to the open address, Ctrl + A >> Ctrl + V >> Enter and the .xdb open, no brain used. Other text file and other Notepad++ can work as long as it start with argument.
To modify setting of those folder, edit config.json. He also packed source code so anyone want modify it is welcome.
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Index viewer
I reserve this comment for Index Viewer. That tool even more handy than the Watcher, but the man is hesitate to release it. Convicing in progress. Well, that tool is integrated into his program so strip important code again make him lazy, may be.
Most of these tool is his. Me, I only interest in modify those spell, they make me laugh plenty time.
The boy is prepare his server. From last time I heard, he going to open test on early February. Expect he will be visit here to ask for some help testing his server soon. I don't known the link, just remember his server name is Infinium.
P/S: we share this account, but he on discord, not me.
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Oh right, seem like no one interesting in those files.
Anyway, the man has put his server to internet. If anyone interesting to help him test, please take a look.
Language: English
Location: SEA
Status: prepare for beta test
- Balance:
+ Scroll and daily consumption like Mount feed, Incense, Bonus Exp, Bonus honor... has been removed from Boutique. Instead, it now acquired through guild interaction.
+ Dynamic bonus from Crystal. More crystal enter system, higher bonus it is, which later distributed to entire server and allow item equivalent to crystal, prevent crystal price raising.
- Community:
+ Telegram bridge. Connect chat from game to Telegram and backward. Allow chat to game with any Telegram support platform like android.
+ Allow guild leader and other important community member to ban or mute other player, help keeping server clean.
Those are sample feature he want to notice. I have tested for a while and it show great promise. Here is the testing result long ago.You can see message forwarded from telegram to game, while test_bridge_bot echo message from the game to Telegram.
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