- Item Mall web viewer light - easy viewing with 'billing' database editing function.
- This tool was built using the trial version:
You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now.
- The configuration file phpgen_settings.php is located in the root folder 'billing'
// define('SHOW_VARIABLES', 1);
// define('DEBUG_LEVEL', 1);
// error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
set_include_path('.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'components/page/navigation.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'components/utils/system_utils.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'components/mail/mailer.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'components/mail/phpmailer_based_mailer.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . 'database_engine/pgsql_engine.php';
// SystemUtils::DisableMagicQuotesRuntime();
function GetGlobalConnectionOptions()
'server' => 'localhost',
'port' => '5432',
'username' => 'postgres',
'password' => 'postgres',
'database' => 'billing',
'client_encoding' => 'utf8'
// and so on...
- In line 19 of this config file, specify your time zone.
- Lines 25 to 29 contain data for connecting to the database.
- Changing the localization of the web viewer is done by replacing the 'lang.php' file with one of the 'lang.**.php' files located nearby, in the directory: .\billing\components\languages\
- In the php.ini config (WAMP server) you should also set the time zone:
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
; http://php.net/date.timezone
date.timezone = Asia/Brunei
; http://php.net/date.default-latitude
date.default_latitude = 48.88778
; http://php.net/date.default-longitude
date.default_longitude = 2.31806
; http://php.net/date.sunrise-zenith
;date.sunrise_zenith = 90.583333
; http://php.net/date.sunset-zenith
;date.sunset_zenith = 90.583333
- And also activate the extension 'php_pdo_pgsql.dll':
- If a database connection error occurs, add this parameter to the config: C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf (approximately +- in line 180)
Apache config:
LoadFile "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/libpq.dll"
- In case of further failure to connect to the database, add the following parameter to the same config: C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\httpd.conf (approximately +- in line 242)
Apache config:
<Directory />
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Please accept for testing (working | no) this craft.