Redesign of the interface [4.0]?


Guide Author
I am interested in the question, is it possible to redesign the interface 4.0.
Let's say something like adding your own skill panel, or the simplest transfer of any element from the version above. I suppose that the Allods Legacy project [1.0 version] has some developments. Or is it at the level of C ++ code and it is impossible to change anything without source code?
I would like to know where to dig.

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Hey, yeah from memories it's possible, you have a lua editor that allows you to entirely change game interface but I did not work on it. Check on mapEditor soft


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You can change the interface by modifying the associated xdb files in client. If you need to add lua you can also add it. If you need to modify lua it can be complicated as it's compiled lua and you might have to decompile it before. I would recommend first to get xdb files of the interface but I'm not sure unpackers for newer versions can do it (1.1 unpacker can get interface files for sure).

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